Generation of challan will only be allowed for a given period if the corresponding returns have been saved by the dealer. Challan for amount paid into the name of the bankbranch with code no. The generated online challan, in pdf format, will open in a separate window. User manual for generating echallans for payment of. Excel based challan utility for itns 280 and itns 281 the utility given below will fill your income tax challan no. Tin tax period from date to date location tax type to be paid mvat cst remarks pl tick one mvat cst return 231 return iii e return 232 assessment order return 233 interest order return 234 penalty order. R6 central triplicate t reasury rule 29 challan no.
The central sales tax act, 1956 department of goods and. Maharashtra vat forms in excel fillable pdf finotax. R6 central quadruplicate t reasury rule 29 challan no. Formid payment details for use in receiving bank signature of person who has made payment total account head details remarks if any. Challan mtr form number 6 payee copy department date form id type of payment payee details office name dept id if any location pan no if appliacable year period from to full name account head details code amount in rs. Click on icon to analysis the challan data across the city. You have forget to deduct a tds from a ram in q2201516 and file the tds return without this amount later on you found the mistake and deduct and deposit the amount. Itns 280 is required to be filled out for income tax payment. Previously tr6 challan was in force but from the f. These forms retain the original format of the form. This is applicable for all types of income tax payments such as selfassessment tax, advance tax, regular assessment tax, surcharge, tax on distributed income or distributed profits. Challan no to be filled in by the remitter to be filled in by the departmental officer or the treasury at f ee s f o r a p p li c a t i on u n d e r r i g h t t o i n f o rm a t i o n a c t, 2005. Please note that to deposit appeal fees either major head 020 or 021 depending upon the tax.
Please note that quoting your permanent account number pan is mandatory. For payment of income tax challan tax applicable tick one no. Download mtr 6 form for cst payment file in xls format. Form tr6 for payment of service tax challan author. Vat maharashtra mtr 6 in excel format challan form for cst vat part i to iii about forms compiled in fillable pdf format. Whether all the returns required under existing law for the period of six months immediately preceding the appointed date have been furnished. Parta to be retained in the treasury for use in treasury. Please note that quoting false pan may attract a penalty of rs. Section nature of payment code 192 payment to govt.
Itns 280 this form is used for the payment of income tax. Form number mtr 6 chalan for treasury see rule 17, 18, 45 and 45a account head. Assessment year itns mm yy tax deducted collected at 281 source from debit to ac cheque credited on for use in receiving bank pin. You can get the copy of challan in archived challan tab. Mtr 6 professions tax act, 1975 rc depratment department of sales tax part ii chalan for profession tax officer p mtr 6 for treasury part iii chalan for tax payer mtr 6 part i chalan payee details formid mention iii or iiib type of payment 2 7 full name of the tax payer date. User manual of mobileweb based transport challan system 12.
Full particulars of the remit tance and bill of entry no. Enter period from and to in yyyymm format, enter tax values and click on generate challan button. Tds on salary how to deposti and which challan use for this. Challan mtr form number6 payee copy department date form id type of payment payee details office name dept id if any location pan no if appliacable year period from to full name account head details code amount in rs.
If the tax is levied on a company then the taxpayer should choose 0020 corporation tax. Please see notes overleaf before filling up the challan single copy to be sent to the zao tax applicable tick one challan no. Challans between 1 april 2008 to 31 march 2017 are archived. Flatblock no,premisesbldg roadstreet, arealocality towncitydistrict pin. Name of the focal point bank name and address of the assessee importerexporter with code no.
The system will not allow modificationrevision of returns if there are any active, unpaid challans for the period. With the excel utility files we attached one help file in word format which can be referred to understand how to use both the. In this case you have to file a correction statement in which new challan is to be added and new deductee is to be added. Employees other than union government employees 192 payment of employees other than govt. User manual of mobileweb based transport challan system. Use a separate challan for each naturetype of payment. Download vat maharashtra vat cst mtr6 challan form for cst vat part i to iii in excel format which you can fill before print on your pc laptop.
Pin type of payment tick one advance tax 100 tax on regular assessment 400 self assessment tax 300 details of. Please note that quoting false tan may attract a penalty of rs. Cst maharashtra mtr 6 chalan in excel format cst chalan form about forms compiled in pdf fillable as excel word format. Form tr 6 for payment of service tax challan author. Cst chalan form in excel format by finotax which you can fill before print on your pc laptop. Vat value added tax, vat application, challan, return and other forms for. Challan 280, challan 281, income tax challan 280 online. Please use a separate challan for each type of payment. Form gst tran 1 see rule transitional itc stock statement 1. No pin type of payment code tds tcs payable by taxpayer 200. B anks copy treasury subtreasury cash paid into the national bank of pakistan state bank of pakistan t. Such duty paid from particular challan, it is called as tr6whenever money is deposited into pla then the tr6 challan should be updated. Mehsana div4 vadodara div5 vadodara div6 surat div7 surat div8. Analysis challan home page screen where the admin user can able to analysis the challan data as per their requirement such as challan ratio state wise, challan rate over date etc.
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